Jagriti President Mr Jai Krishan Jajoo informed that Genpact in partnership with Akshaypatra has distributed 260 dry ration packets at Jagriti adopted Jagrti Gyan Vidhya Mandir School.. They have a mission of feeding 30 million needy persons.

He added that 150 more dry ration packets will be distributed to Jagriti Balika Sadan School also.

Heartfelt thanks to Genpact for their gracious CSR initiative.

Plz enjoy few of the snaps taken during the event

Mr Rajesh Joshi from Genpact graced the occasion.

Genpact for their gracious CSR initiative

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Flow P&E India Private Limited, Jaipur (India) under its Corporate Social Responsibility distributed 14 Automatic Hand Sanitizer Machines to Jagriti on 3.12.20 at 11am at Jagriti’s adopted Balika Sadan School.

Our President Shri JK Jajoo graced the occasion and briefed the distinguished guests from Flow P&E India Private Limited, Jaipur (India)

Following members from Flow P&E India Private Limited, Jaipur (India)  were kind enough to be at this occasion

(1) Mr. Mayank Trivedi
(2) Mr. Alok Bhargava
(3) Mr. Amish Shah
(4) Mr. RP Gupta
(5) Mr. Sanjay Suri
(6) Mr. Anil Sharma
(7) Mr. Ajay Kumar
(8) Mr. Satish Kumar
(9) Mr. Harish Gambhi

Flow P&E India Private Limited, Jaipur (India)

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यही समय है कि हम अपने जयपुर के नागरिकों के साक्षात भगवान “चिकित्सको और पैरामेडिकल स्टाफ" का पूर्ण ध्यान रखें ……….यह उद्बबोदन है जयपुर सिटीजन फोरम के।

जयपुर सिटीजन फोरम लगातार प्रयासरत है कि इन कठिन परिस्थितियों में अपने जयपुर के नागरिकों की सेवा कर सके।

जयपुर सिटीजन फोरम के कन्वीनर जे के जाजू ने बताया कि टीम जयपुर सिटीजन फोरम लाकडाउन के दिन से ही चिकित्सको, पैरामेडिकल स्टाफ, कोराना पीडितो, सवाई मानसिंह अस्पताल के आइसोलेशन वार्ड के मरीजों की सेवा में जी जान से जुटी हुई हैं। जयपुर सिटीजन फोरम का भाव यह रहा है कि इन कठिन परिस्थितियों में इन की सेवा की जाए और जितना ज्यादा हो सके इन्हें आरामदायक स्थिति में लाया जा सके। डा सुधीर भंडारी के नेतृत्व में हमारे यह भगवान दिन रात एक किए हुए हैं ओर अपना अमूल्य जीवन खतरे में डाल कर भी हमारा और हमारो का जीवन बचाने में लगे हुए हैं।

जाजू ने आगे बताया कि टीम ने कम्पनीस को रीलिफ मेटेरियल, खाने के पैकेट, काफी-चाय पाउडर, पानी की बोतल, बिस्कुट आदि के लिए अनुरोध किया और उनके के साथ मिलकर हमने सवाई मानसिंह अस्पताल में इन्हें सप्लाई किया और बाँटा भी।

आज तक हमने 3000+ रेडी टू इट खाने के पैकेट, 11000+ मिनरल वाटर बोटल, 4 काफी मशीनें, 12000+ काफी कप और चाय के रेडी मिक्स पाउडर के साथ साथ कप 2000+ बिस्कुट और मफीन के पैकेट दिए हैं।

जयपुर सिटीजन फोरम ने अनुरोध किया है कि जब तक लाकडाउन चलता है तब तक हमे चिकित्सको, पैरामेडिकल स्टाफ और काविड-19 आईसोलेशन वार्ड के मरीजों की सेवा में जी जान से लगे रहना चाहिए।

इसके साथ ही साथ जयपुर सिटीजन फोरम जरूरतमंद सैकडों देहाडी मजदूरों को खाने के पैकेट प्रति दिन दे रही है।

जयपुर सिटीजन फोरम के चेयरमैन राजीव अरोड़ा, ट्रस्टी जयश्री पेडीवाल, अजय डाटा, भावना जगवानी, एस.एस. भंडारी, जे.के. जाजू ने विशेषतः उन सभी का धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया जिन्होंने इस पुनीत कार्य के लिए डोनेशन दिया और विशेष रूप से पारले और बेक हट जैसी कम्पनीस को।

साथ ही इन्होंने एन.जी.ओ. जागृति का विशेष रूप से धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया, जिनके वालियन्टरस आगे आऐ और अपना पूर्ण सहयोग दिया और साथ ही इस परीक्षा की घड़ी में अपने वाहन से सम्पूर्ण शहर में सामान का कलेक्शन और डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन किया।


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Even at home, many students are studying in uniform.

class 3rd and 6th, Khatipura


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From the desk of the President, Jagriti

All over wonderful celebrations. Unbelievable preparation. They did extremely good.
I had gone to two schools … Sanganer & Balika.
Sanganer did a great 👍work by introducing a culture of each part of the country so beautifully & the band and the march past. The coordination was amazing.
God bless. Keep moving. Thanks, Aasha mam & yr team.
Balika Sadan was as always great research on posters, children giving great 👍 performance and detailed working on unsung heroes and their sacrifice for the nation.
God bless you. Sunita mam & your team salute.
All other schools also did great.
Came to know from our mentors who had gone.
Hathroi ,Lalarpura ,Jhalana .,sahakar marg , badarwas ,santosh nagar , Sushilpura ,girdharipura , jagganathpura, Sanjay nagar.
Thanks to all. Great work. All teachers, mentors & children of all our schools. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Enjoy the glimpse……….

From the desk of the President 26/1/2020, Jagriti
From the desk of the President 26/1/2020, Jagriti

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Today we had a great interactive outing of Balika children at TATA Bird Park, Panipech under the auspices of MetLife.

Total 92 children and 13 teachers were there.

Children’s very own Music Bus and two other mini buses took them to the park

About 30 MetLifeians were there

TATA’S horticulturist explained them about the park, covering up all the what’s, when’s, where’s and how’s

MetLifeians were segregated into the groups and played with the children

Mouthwatering food (2 alu parathas’ with fresh dahi and water bottle) made their day.

In the end the kids were gracious enough (thanks to balika teachers) to give them a big–big thank you with a well scripted card.

In all it was a two and a half our outing.

Attaching few of the snaps

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Christmas celebration

Jagriti Balika Sadan kids had a fantastic Christmas celebration on 25th December 2019.

Their Santa gifted them trophies and gifts and danced with them, this Santa was the best ever.

And who was this Santa ……………. their very own Jajoo sir

The photos are of this event only

Christmas celebration
Christmas celebration

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The kid of Rukmani Birla

We at Jagriti are moved by the action of Rukmani Birla School’s Management and Children.

As they did last year too, they have invited our Santosh Nagar kids to inaugurate their annual fete on 29.12.2019.

Every kid was escorted by one of the kids of Rukmani Birla

The attached photos say it all

the kid of Rukmani Birla
the kid of Rukmani Birla

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Garba fever

Garba fever is very much ON for our tiny kids too

The Garba was performed with full vigour and enthusiasm at our Jagriti Govt Primary School, Kunda Basti, Jhalana Mahal, Jhalana, Jaipur

The colorful photos says it all

Garba Fever
Garba fever

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World Handwash Day

On the occasion of World Hand Wash day a 20 minutes session was organized by Fortis Hospital in one of our adopted schools, Govt Upper Primary School, Santosh Nagar.

The six-step hand washing procedure was taught to them in a very effective manner.

It was repeated several times through students only so that all of them get conversant with it.

Every participant got a pen.

Nice geometry boxes were given to 4 students, who did the procedure perfectly and flawlessly

See few of the snaps.

World Handwash Day
World Handwash Day

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World Tourism Day

It was celebrated with full vigour at JAGRITI Balika Sadan School.

Students were given full view of the tourist places of India.

Plz enjoy few of the snaps

World Tourism Day
2019-09-27 at 11.53.01 AM

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Gandhi Jayanti event celebrations

Grand celebration events are organized by all the Jagriti schools to celebrate the Gandhi Jayanti. Students of all schools enthusiastically take part in the Gandhi Jayanti event celebrations.

Small children celebrate this event by dressing up same as the Gandhi ji as well as performing the nationalistic songs. Students also take part in drama / play which conveys the significance of peace and non-violence throughout the country. Students and teachers take a pledge.

Students not only drawn the pictures nicely but through their pictures they have given message like Swachh Bharat.

Gandhi Jayanti
Gandhi Jayanti

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From the desk of the President

15th August 2019, the 73rd independence, was celebrated with full vigour and enthusiasm in all our 15 schools, located at urban slums of Jaipur and Ajmer.

So very happy to see glimpse of 15 th August programs of all the schools. Despite heavy rains children & teachers came with devotion & did their duty.
Salute to them.

I would like to specifically mention about our three daughters, Pooja, Savita and Khishboo of Jagriti Gyan Vidhya Mandir School, who after completing 12th with flying colors have joined the school as teachers – we all Jagritian are proud of these kids

सभी जगह बच्चों व शिक्षकों की तारीफ़ करना चाहूँगा उनको सलाम। ऐसी बरसात में जबकि घरों के बाहर पानी भरा हुआ है बहुत तक़लीफ में हैं आप लोग आए और स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर समय से पहुँचे आप सभी को नमन

15 अगस्त के इस शुभ दिन आप सभी को मेरा सलाम 🙏🙏🙏🙏…आप द्वारा किए जा रहे इस बहुत प्यारे व पवित्र कार्य के लिए आप सभी को मेरा शत शत प्रणाम । हमारे जागृति के बच्चे सदा सुखी रहे ,ख़ुश रहें उनके परिवारों को खुशियाँ मिलें बस यही सब कामना पूर्ण जागृति परिवार की तरफ़ से है प्रभु से हाथ जोड़कर।
एवं आप सभी सदा सुखी रहें ,ख़ुश रहे ,उन्नति करें यही शुभकामना है
आप सभी के लिए सपरिवार..

From the desk of the President
WhatsApp Image 2019-08-14 at 2.51.21 PM

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Session at IIS school

We had a great session at IIS school today early morning.

Certificates were distributed to about 20 students, who participated in summer camps held in May 2019 at our Sanganer school.

Students shared their thoughts – how much they learned from our kids – it was a great thought exchange program

Mr Jajoo’s speech from the core of heart moved one and all. The auditorium was jam packed

Plz enjoy few of the snaps.

We had a great session at IIS school today early morning.
WhatsApp Image 2019-08-19 at 1.00.50 PM

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Dear JAGRITI family

Dr Deepak Saxena, a renowned career counsellor and Director of Student Advisory Board, University of Rajasthan, shall deliver a session at Jagriti Gyan Vidhya Mandir School on 17.7.2019 @ 9.30am

He also agreed to be a judge of a performance, which will be held prior to his session

You are requested to join please

It will be a very effective session


We the 214 Jagritians watched a very pertinent and inspiring film on education, coaching mafia and talented poor kids on 24.7.2019 at INOX, Crystal Mall, Jaipur
It has a very apt tag line “Raja ka beta raja nahi banega. Raja haqdaar banega”
Our tiny underprivileged children from our Sanagner school, Balika sadan school and Govt Secondary School, Hathroi were spell bound with movies, the full strength of the children says it all.
During the movie they promised their dearest Jajoo uncle that they will put their all out to be SUPER in all walks of life whatever the condition is; how tough the situations may be.
The children and teachers were transported in their favourite MUSIC BUS and in the buses very kindly provided to us by the Jai Shree Periwal High School.
Biting the mouth watering, hot kachories, while going back make their day fulfilling.

Please enjoy few of the snaps.

On the eve of the Aaykar Diwas, top beurocrats from Income Tax Department, Jaipur have made the day of our tiny girl students of Jagriti Balika Sadan School on 23rd July 2019.
Under the banner of their drive “Joy of giving” they distributed numerous useful and apt gifts to the children.
We had the privilege of having gracious presence of :-
1.    Shri Mahendra Singh, Director General of Income Tax (Inv.)
2.    Shri DD Goel, Director General of Income Tax (Retd.)
3.    Shri Gajendra Meena, Director of Income Tax (Inv.)
4.    Ms Sapna Bhatia, Addl. Director of Income Tax (Inv.)
5.    Shri Prithvi Raj Meena, Addl. Director of Income Tax (Inv.)

Shri Mahendra Singh in his short speech applauded the efforts of Jagriti in educating the underprivileged kids.
Jagriti President, shri Jajoo is his mesmerizing speech from the immense depth of his heart, explained the very essence of Jagriti and its journey from mere one school and 40 kids to 15 schools and over 3800 kids.
The attached snaps says it all ——

On the eve of the Aaykar Diwas, top beurocrats from Income Tax Department, Jaipur have made the day of our tiny girl students of Jagriti Balika Sadan School on 23rd July 2019.
Under the banner of their drive “Joy of giving” they distributed numerous useful and apt gifts to the children.
We had the privilege of having gracious presence of top income tax officersThe chief guest in his precise speech applauded the efforts of Jagriti in educating the underprivileged kids.
Jagriti President, shri Jajoo is his mesmerizing speech from the immense depth of his heart, explained the very essence of Jagriti and its journey from mere one school and 40 kids to 15 schools and over 3800 kids.

The attached snaps says it all ——-

We the 214 Jagritians watched a very pertinent and inspiring film on education
WhatsApp Image 2019-08-02 at 10.35.46 AM

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Jagriti honoured with Shiksha Vibhushan

Jagriti has been honoured with “Shiksha Vibhushan” in a grand State Function at Birla Auditorium by Shri Ashok Gehlot, Chief Minister, Rajasthan on 28.6.19. Education Minister Shri Dotasara was also there in the function.

Jagriti has been awarded with coveted “Shiksha Vibhushan” for consecutively second year. Award has been given to Jagriti for its contribution of more than Rs 1 Crore in development of Government schools. 

Jagriti President Shri Jai Krishan Jajoo received the honour.

Jagriti has adopted as many as fifteen schools (and approx 4000 children are getting value based education absolutely free of cost) and developed them, which mostly includes construction of aesthetically designed Building, Classrooms, Toilet blocks, Water blocks, boundary wall etc, electric and water connections were given, all the classes were equipped with furniture, Computer Lab and Library too.

We try that students of our adopted schools are provided with 2 sets of uniform, shoes, socks, school bag, Copies, books etc absolutely free.If required trained teachers are also provided. To keep the school premise clean, sweepers and bais have been appointed.

It’s a matter of pride that our kids have performed exceptionally well in this years board exams – in 12th board 95% of students got 1st division. And are excelling well in their careers.

Vidhyashram school, Pratapnagar children visited our Jagriti Gyan Vidhya Mandir, Sanganer

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जागृति शिक्षा विभूषण" से सम्मानित

राज्यस्तरीय भव्य समारोह जो की बिरला ऑडिटोरियम में दिनांक 28.6.2019 को संपन्न हुआ, में जागृति को श्री अशोक गहलोत, माननीय मुख्यमंत्री, राजस्थान द्वारा शिक्षा विभूषण" से सम्मानित किया गया I समारोह में शिक्षा मंत्री श्री डोटासरा भी उपस्तिथ थे I

जागृति को भामाशाह सम्मान से लगातार चार वर्षों से नवाजा जा रहा है तथा पिछले दो वर्षों से भामाशाह समारोह में शिक्षा विभूषण" सम्मान से अलंकृत किया गया है I जागृति द्वारा जयपुर शहर के विभिन विद्यालयों में एक करोड़ से ज़्यादा के आर्थिक योगदान के लिए दिया गया यह सम्मान जागृति के अध्यक्ष श्री जय कृष्ण जाजू ने प्राप्त किया I

जागृति द्वारा पंद्रह विद्यालयों को गोद लेकर विकास कार्य कराये गए I इनमे प्रायःकर कक्षा कक्ष निर्माण, भवन निर्माण, शौचालय , बाउंड्रीवाल बनवाई , जल तथा विद्युत व्यवस्था भी की जाती है I सभी कक्षाओं मे सुविधाजनक फर्नीचर , कंप्यूटर लैब एवम लाइब्रेरी स्थापित की गयी है I

गोद ली गयी विद्यालयों में प्रायःकर प्रत्येक छात्र को प्रतिवर्ष निशुल्क 2 सेट यूनिफार्म, जूते , मोज़े, स्कूल बैग एवम सत्र भर कोपिया स्टेशनरी उपलब्ध कराई जाती है I

हमारा प्रयास रहता है कि शिक्षकों की कमी होने पर प्रशिक्षित अध्यापक भी नियुक्त किये जाएँ I साथ ही सभी विद्यालयों मे शौचालय सफाई एवम कक्षा कक्ष की सफाई हेतु कर्मचारी भी नियुक्त किये जाते है I

समय समय पर शैक्षिक भ्रमण एवम ग्रीष्मकालीनकैंप का आयोजन किया जाता है I

इस वर्ष राजस्थान बोर्ड की परीक्षाओं में जागृति के विद्यार्थोयों ने अभूतपूर्व प्रदर्शन किया है, 12वी की परीक्षाओं में 95% विद्याथी प्रथम श्रेणी से उत्तीर्ण हुए हैं I

Closing Ceremony
mobile pics 18.5.19 037

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Summer camp at khatipura on 14.5.19

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Today`s activity : English conversation and problem solving. Class-3. By Ria Arora.
WhatsApp Image 2019-02-02 at 5.15.03 PM

Disha got " the best documentary film of the year " award for her movie on Jagriti also her team received the award “the best film with a message “! Intach organises this film making competition every year to encourage students to make movies on traditions of India and also other inspiring movies…its a very prestigious award all over India and others parts of world like UK.. its a proud moment for us to receive the award for jagriti!

Prize distribution ceremony was held on 2.2.2019 for the Drawing Competition organized at Jagriti Balika Sadan School on 15.12.18 under the auspices of Syndicate Bank

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Balika kids throughly enjoyed the MetLife event at Tata Project Experience Centre today
WhatsApp Image 2018-12-22 at 4.13.56 PM (1)

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Christmas time - the fun time . What could be a better time to enjoy the Joy of giving and sharing.
WhatsApp Image 2018-12-22 at 5.20.51 PM

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Republic day was celebrated with enthusiasm and full vigor in all our schools on 26th January 2019.

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Balika kids throughly enjoyed the MetLife event at Tata Project Experience Centre today

24 METLIFEians were there

80 kids from 3rd to 8th were divided into 5 groups; games like lemon race, tangdi race etc were played.

Christmas time – the fun time . What could be a better time to enjoy the Joy of giving and sharing.

A Drawing Competition was held at our Jagriti Balika Sadan School
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An event was organized at Govt Upper Primary School, Ganatpura
WhatsApp Image 2018-12-11 at 4.16.08 PM

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FICCI FLO under their CSR initiatives arranged a bridal make up by VLCC expert for our vocational training
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FICCI FLO under their CSR initiatives arranged a bridal make up by VLCC expert for our vocational training
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Jagriti Ajmer chapter has given a new toilet block to our adopted Jagriti Govt Primary school, Kanadiya
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Jagriti Gyan Vidhya Mandir School kids visited the TATA`s Dravyawati`s Project Experience Center on 30.11.18
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FICCI FLO under their CSR initiatives arranged a bridal make up by VLCC expert for our vocational training
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Today 65 Balika Sadan School students and 5 teachers visited newly inaugurated Bhamashah Techno Hub.

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It was a unique thrilling experience for all.The most enjoying and memorable was ‘ 7D’ movie, large e-books, virtual, augmented pictures, virtual games and many more.Students operated Robot and danced with it.5 students won prizes in the quiz. (all the questions were answered) and all the students visited were given a T-shirt.Transportation and refreshment were sponsored by Riya, our volunteer.

All in all one has to visit to have the experience.

FICCI FLO under their CSR initiatives arranged a bridal make up by VLCC expert for our vocational training
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It is a matter of pride that Jagriti has been selected in Rajasthan by Maharaja Sawai Mansingh II Museum Trust for Raja Dulhe Rai Alankaran for outstanding social services.

The award was given in a glittering ceremony at the City Palace on 31.10.2018 by the HH Rajmata to Shri Jai Krishan Jajoo, Founder and Managing Trustee of Jagriti.

The award contained a Shawl, Kalash, Citation, Shrifal and cash of Rs 31,000/-.

Jagritias done commendable work in providing education and facilities to the under privileged children of slums. Has adopted 15Government and Private schools, as many as 3822 children are being given value-based education absolutely free. These schools adopted by Jagriti are model schools for State.

Shri Jajoo informed that Jagriti is Empowering slum women and trained more than 1200 women so far by organizing free of cost vocational training courses. These women are doing exceptionally well in their careers.

He added that nearly 7000 families have benefited in last 7 years from the JagritiAntimDarshinika which provides totally free services of keeping the dead for many days till the time of cremation.

He further added that Jagriti has also taken up the work of eye donations with a missionary zeal.

Jagriti has been recognized by the Government on many occassion. Few to mention are –

  1. Jagriti was awarded with National Award (National Youth Award) on 12.1.18. Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India was the Chief Guest. Jagriti was selected amongst the top NGOs across the entire country.


  1. Shri Jajoo was given prestigious State Cleanliness Award on 22.12.2016 by Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Mrs. Vasundra Raje in glittering State Ceremony at Udiapur.
  1. Awarded with the Highest State Civilian Award for Excellence in Social Service by Government of Rajasthan on the eve of Independence day by the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Mrs. Mrs Vasundra Raje.
  1. Highest Government award in the field of Education “Shiksha Vibhushan Award" by Govt. of Rajasthan on 28.6.2018 by Shri Kailash Meghwal, Speaker State assembly.


  1. Awarded with coveted Bhamashah Award consecutively for two years on 28.6.17 (by Education Minister Shri Devnani) and 28.6.16 (by Mrs. Vasundra Raje) by the Government of Rajasthan for contribution towards developing the Government schools.
  1. Felicitated by International Vaish Federation on 30.5.16 for his outstanding contribution in transforming the lives of underprivileged children by Shri Rajendra Singh Rathore, Health Minister Govt. of Rajasthan.
  1. Was President of Rotary Club Jaipur Midtown for the year 2014-2015 and was adjourned with Outstanding President, won awards for various outstanding activities.

Mr Sandeep Jain delivered a very impressive and absorbing lecture on career to our kids of 9th and 10th class at our adopted Jagriti Govt Secondary School, Sanjay Nagar, Jaipur

We are having such sessions in all our secondary schools
Career counselling

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We had a very effective day at Jagriti Balika Sadan School.
(1) To be able to speak one’s mind out is really a blessing that not all of us have. But in today’s world, it’s more important than ever that we speak up because a mind without any opinion is like a gift from God that is just rotting
Debate competition and prize distribution for academic excellence at Jagriti Bailka Sadan School
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Our President Mr Jajoo in his one to one speech stole the hearts of students. He urged them to extend helping hand to the underprivileged kids. He insisted on a quote of “Jaipur padega to hi jaipur badega"
Students of MGD School participated in this year's Summer Camp at our Jagriti adopted Balika Sadan School

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“He would fight, he would love, he would steal, he would give, he would sing, he would dance,he would defend, he would save. But above all, he would always be there when we need him! 
 Today, 1.9.18, our tiny kids enjoyed  Janamashtmi, and celebrated the birth of Shri Krishna, the god of the gods, the vishnu, the protector, the Savior and our own maakhan chor, at 9:30 AM, at the campus of Balika Sadan School..
We all experienced tranquility and peace as we rejoice the birth of Krishna, and pray that we always learn from him and believe in him.
The performance of kids was amazing – enjoy photos and videos of sheer perfection of kids
Today, 1.9.18, our tiny kids enjoyed Janamashtmi, and celebrated the birth of Shri Krishna
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On eve of rakhi, 25.8.18 in nearly 2 hours, the students of Balika Sadan school designed beautiful, breathtaking and meaningful rakhees on themes like bond of brothers and sisters, Rakhis for specially abled brothers, rakhees for those without a family and for our brothers on the borders! Not only this, all the rakhees were made with already existing material, making these rakhees recycled from scratch. The students introduced their respective houses in creative ways like using poems and phrases in relation to their themes. All and all it was a heart touching experience for us as well as the students!

Fortis Hospital under their CSR initiatives have distributed First Aid Boxes in all our schools at Jaipur and Ajmer. Each and every class got the the first aid box. They will be re-filled once exhausted.Today they distributed the boxes at Jagriti Gyan Vidhya Mandir school, Sanganer.

Thanks to Fortis Hospital for their CSR initiative

The outing started with a journey in our beautifully designed Music Bus, the everlasting smiles on their faces says it all.

The experience at Science park was amazing, kids were brimming with energy.

They were enthused with joy with 3D movie, Taramandal, Virtual screen and so and so forth.

In the end mouth-watering food gifted by our volunteer Ms Sharddha Jain made their day.

On eve of rakhi, 25.8.18 in nearly 2 hours, the students of Balika Sadan school

Fortis Hospital under their CSR initiatives have distributed First Aid Boxes in all our schools at Jaipur and Ajmer.

Our tiny kids from Jagriti Government Upper Primary School, Santosh Nagar visited Science Park, Jaipur on 29th August 2018

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Uniform was distributed to the tiny girl children at Jagiti Balika Sadan School, C-Scheme, Jaipur. Cute little smiles says it all
Uniform was distributed to the tiny girl children at Jagiti Balika Sadan School, C-Scheme, Jaipur

An outing was organized for our Jagriti adopted Govt Primary School, Sahkar Marg on 9.8.18 at Science Park

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Independence day was celebrated with full vigor and happiness in all Jagriti adopted school.
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“An Inter House recitation competition" was organized at Balika Sadan on 31.7.18 at Jagriti Balika Sadan School. On the occasion HOUSES were announced for the first time in Balika sadan school. Houses were name on birds, namely, Starling (Blue colour) , Swan (Red colour) , Flamingo (Green colour) and Kinglet (Orange colour).

Tiny kids recited the poem house wise. Their confidence,, dialogue delivery,  voice modulation, hand-leg movement were amazing and perfect.

The tiny children were delighted to receive the uniform for the current session

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A skill development program was organized by ICICI Academy

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An Inter House recitation competition
[6] Flamingo Sr

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Fortis Hospital, Jaipur under their CSR initiatives distributed First Aid boxes to each and every class of our adopted schools
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हमारी रचनाएँ- A creative expression Sharing album of Jagriti Summer Camp

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Jagriti summer camps are ON with full swing.

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Mrs Neelu sharma, principal of government primary school

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THE HOLI was celebrated with full vigor and happiness

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A computer workshop was organized on 23.2.18

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Inauguration of newly build classrooms at our adopted
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Subash Chandra Goyal Memorial supported and Jagriti’s 14th adopted Government Secondary School, Hathroi’s building inaugurated
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